Outlaw Farm Alpacas, LLC

Peace, Love, Alpacas

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Birthday Parties at Outlaw Farm


Traditional Party Package

$250 (up to 8 children); $15 per additional child up to 15 maximum

  1. Food first, then interact with the alpacas.
  2. One activity: choose from:
    1. Alpaca trek (20 minute walk with an alpaca on a lead)
    2. Farm scavenger hunt
    3. Fiber art project

Traditional Party with Pizza Package

$350 (up to 8 children); $25 per additional child up to 15 maximum

  1. All the items of the traditional party plus pizza and drink for each child.
  2. Guests must indicate pizza toppings prior to party for order placement- 2 slices per child


  • Party Durations: 1 1/2-2 hours
  • Set-up time prior to party: 20-30 minutes to set-up and decorate
  • Party Size:  8-15
  • Ages: 4 and older
  • Required:
    • Parental Guidance (1 adult per 3-4 children)
    • Closed toe shoes, farm/weather appropriate clothing
    • Signed waiver
  • No pets allowed
  • No alcohol permitted

Outlaw Farm Alpacas will provide the following:

  • tables for food and gifts and chairs
  • restroom and handwashing facilities
  • Trash recepticles 
  • Personnel to assist with animal handling and party activities
  • Pizza and drinks (if pizza package is selected)

The Party Host will provide the following:

  • Decorations
  • Table coverings
  • Plates, plastic silverware
  • Cake/cupcakes
  • Drinks (if pizza party package not selected)


Please complete one release form per child attending:  

Release Form


Contact Steve 440-529-9999 or Jennifer 440-258-7387 to arrange your party.

Friday, May 24, 2024